Come forward today to help
the Poor

Let's forget all religions, castes and all differences and come forward to protect the flood
victims. Now it is necessary to help the flood victims in every possible way.


Donate Today

Powerful people across the country extend a helping hand to them. The government must come forward first. Only then is it possible to stand by the flood and all the helpless people.





Our Donation Plan

Your help can save a person's life. So come forward to this fair of help


Food for a family

Teachers and officials of BRAC University have paid the same amount of one day's salary for the flood victims in June. The same amount of money has been given as grant from the own funds of the university.


Shelter for a family

Referring to the flood-affected farmers, MA Mannan said farmers should be given packets of fertilizers and seeds like relief packets. Everyone must work together to deal with this situation.


Education for a child

Vincent Chang, Vice Chancellor of BRAC University, initiated the grant program to stand by the helpless people in the flood-hit areas. He urged everyone to stand by the affected people at this difficult time.

Maybe they can live on the
money you give them

The flood waters have entered the haor area of the country for more than two weeks. That water has not yet fully receded. Of these, the northern part and the lower part of some districts of Padmapar were flooded but the water has gone down from there.

How to Contribute?

Maybe they can live on the
money you give them

The flood waters have entered the haor area of the country for more than two weeks. That water has not yet fully receded. Of these, the northern part and the lower part of some districts of Padmapar were flooded but the water has gone down from there.

How to Contribute?


The flood waters have entered the haor area of the country for more than two weeks. That water has not yet fully receded.


Many will live a happy life with the money you give

Although the northern part and the lower part of some districts of Padmapar were flooded, the water level has gone down from there.


Raise your hand to alleviate human suffering

But due to two weeks of continuous upstream rains, the water of four rivers in the haor area of the country,including Sylhet , is still overflowing.


Come forward today to help the Poor

Let's forget all religions, castes and all differences and come forward to protect the flood
victims. Now it is necessary to help the flood victims in every possible way.


For any help or updates- follow us. Yes, we can all deal with this disaster